Hey There,

Do you have one of those meals that you really love eating but when you think of how long it will take for you to cook, it just makes you want to forget about it and have some left-overs instead, well my chicken, bacon and sweetcorn quesadillas are one of those with samosas coming in a heavy second. Now, I know it might sound crazy but for me, it takes a whole planning from when to do each step to dealing with who doesn’t want what in theirs. Luckily, I came to grips with the fact that I still have to make them since they are so good and no resistance can make me avoid them. For this recipe, you will need;


  • 400 gms chicken
  • 5 rashes of bacon
  • A cup of sweetcorn
  • Grated cheddar cheese ( You can use any good melting cheese)
  • Tortillas I used 4 large ones
  • 1 tsp each of paprika, garlic granules, mixed herbs, chilli flakes, cumin and All-purpose seasoning
  • Salt to taste
  • Tbsp oil for bacon
  • 1 knob of butter
  • 3 tbsp of butter in small knobs each time you fry.


  • In a small bowl, add all your spices, and salt and give it a good mix.
  • Cube your chicken into bite-sized pieces and pour your spices onto them.
  • Give it a good mix, cover and set it aside.
  • Chop up your bacon into bite-sized pieces too.
  • In a preheated pan, add your oil and in goes the bacon to fry up until slightly browned. Takes a few minutes then remove and set aside.
  • In the same pan, melt your knob of butter and in goes your chicken.
  • Cook it until tender, well done and browned.
  • Add your bacon back in a give it a good stir, then in with your sweetcorn.
  • Switch off the heat, add some cheese and give it a good mix, half a handful will do.
  • Now time to assemble, take a tortilla, add some cheese on half of it then chicken mixture and another topping of cheese and fold it into half.
  • In a heated pan, melt some butter and start frying your folded tortillas. The aim here is to ensure the cheese melts and press the sides to seal.
  • The cheese helps to seal, turn it once browned and continue with the rest.
  • Once done, slice them in half.
  • Serve and enjoy.

TIP: Make sure not to overfill the tortillas when it comes to the chicken mixture in order for it to seal slightly and not be a mess from the filling spilling out. A moderate amount is key.
That’s it, my chicken, bacon and sweetcorn quesadillas. Might be bothersome to me but the taste makes me forget all of that, and stillĀ end up remaking them when I want. I hope you do give these a try because I know you will definitely love them. If you missed my blackbean quesadillas do check them out and tell me what you think. Thank you for stopping by today and until the next post, see you.


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