Hello Everyone,

I think I can actually agree that I eat too much chicken at this point and need to start venturing out to other meats. Today is all about this scrumptious sweet & tangy oven-baked spatchcock chicken recipe. Very simple and comes out so juicy. The best part is the oven does everything for you and all you have to do is make the sauce, coat and back to the oven it goes. First things first, let’s talk about the prepping of the chicken.

How To Spatchcock A Chicken

  • Take your chicken and place it upside down on your cutting board.
  • The main thing is to cut off the backbone starting from the neck upwards to the tail.
  • You can use kitchen scissors or my go-to a sharp kitchen knife.
  • Once the backbone is out, turn it right side up and gently press the breast bones gently to flatten it out.
  • That’s it and you have a spatchcocked chicken.

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How’s everyone today? I hope you all had a great weekend and are still enjoying this holiday break. I am also doing fine and getting ready to travel soon though no packing has been done and I know I need to start pretty soon. Today I am back with another post and obviously with my love for food, a recipe is definitely in order. This delicious ham, potatoes & asparagus frittata will totally make you drool and make it for either breakfast, lunch or dinner. I make frittatas when I need something quick to prepare. I still have a very bad sensitivity to eggs but for the sake of you guys I did taste it and I must say that it was heavenly, I ended up suffering for a few hours but I am good now. For this recipe you will need:


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