Where have I been?

Hello everybody, I hope you’ve all been fine. The last time I was here was with my ribs recipe, which in case you missed it, do check it out because they really are worth making. So where have I been? Let’s just do a mini recap without going crazy. Well we moved house after the one we were in got sold and had to vacate, I know these are the disadvantages of renting and not owning “sigh”. The worst part is that we had four weeks to find a new place and if you have moved house before, then you know it’s not that easy mostly if you bought more stuff. We had to find what’s available, be able to view them and at the same time do school runs. So that’s why I’ve been missing and yes it’s been a while but I am glad to be back.



I am happy to say that we finally are settling in and feeling like normal again without bumping into boxes in every room and running out of duct tape which just so you know, can be quite frustrating and may lead you to have a nervous breakdown when all you need is to just have a few centimetres of tape to wrap a box full of toys. On the plus side, I got to see the many kinds of tape that are out there and how some are really not even worth it and are seriously useless and also my arms did finally get some workout from all the box carrying and pushing.

The best part of the move is that my school runs are now shorter and I have more time in the mornings without having to rush out of the door without the favourite water bottle or school book. I really wanted to continue publishing posts but there was no point of coming on here and just writing one for the sake of it. I wanted to be able to finish everything with the moving, feel like me again, have a sort of routine established again then come back and continue doing what I love which is blogging. So that’s it guys, I am not going to lie, I really missed writing and also felt bad at the same time because I knew I had literally no time to do it and maintain the consistency. I hope you all understand and are not mad at me for being away this long.

What’s next?

My plan is to continue writing again and start publishing posts as frequently as I did, also on my facebook page and with all the support that you guys have given me, I would like to ask what sort of content you would like to see more of, what interests you and I would definitely look into them and create some content around that. I do hope you all had a great couple of weeks and are ready to push on this year, can you imagine we are already entering March? Time really does fly and wasting it is not really something to dwell on, so on wards and upwards and until next time, I am glad to be back.

So, what have you been up to?


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  1. Welcome back! I’m glad things are returning back to normal. Moves can be stressful, that’s for sure.

  2. I hate moving and it’s worse when it’s last minute. So glad things are getting back to normal.

  3. Welcome back! I am glad to hear things are getting back to normal, moving can be so hard can’t it? I’m sure we still haven’t unpacked everything from our last move.

  4. Happy that you are back! Welcome. I am happy that things are back to the norm, I know I am not looking forward to the actual packing about my move and then unpacking but I am SO exicted to move to Denver in May.

  5. Oh my gosh, moving is the WORST! I had a similar experience, but I had already given notice because I had another place out of state to move into and then that fell through when I found out that it was a drug den at the beginning of last year. I had to scramble to find something else because my place in Tennessee was already leased to someone else. The whole thing was just stressful and I never thought I’d make it to North Carolina. And you’re right…omg…TAPE! Some of it is SO CHEAP! I think it’s good that you took some time away from the blog to settle in. I’m with you: content is more important than quantity; our readers expect that from us so when I just don’t have it in me to write, I ask one of my blogging friends to guest post. I’d love to see you write about the advantages of renting versus buying because I’m one that likes to rent! If the fridge breaks, they fix it. Welcome back to the blogosphere!

  6. Welcome back! I’m glad to hear you’re getting back to your routine. I’ve moved a lot during my life so I understand it can be a struggle at times.

  7. Welcome back!

    My biggest fear is my landlord selling our house without giving us the opportunity to buy it. I’m so sorry.

    It’s great your school run commute is shorter!

    Personally, I like to see more blogging advice posts.

  8. Moving is always absolutely crazy. That sucks that you only had 4 weeks to find a new place. But hey, it’s all over now! Now you can focus on getting back to normal with the blog and everything else.

  9. Welcome back! Time really does fly. My dad mentioned that my aunt’s birthday was only a week away and I told him “no way! It’s in two weeks.” I completely forgot that Feb is only 28 days! Congrats on the shorter commute ?

  10. Moving is definitely time consuming! I have a couple of months worth of posts waiting to be posted for times like that! It used to be three months but then I broke my ankle and needed to use some.

  11. Welcome back! And well done getting yourself sorted in a few weeks time – I know how it is to move houses but it sounds like you managed well.

  12. Welcome back, blogging can be so overwhelming with the rest of what goes on with life. I am struggling to write a post every week…

    Enjoy your new home1

  13. Welcome back. I totally understand, blogging can definitely get a bit exhausting also moving is hectic as well! Well, I hope your back for good, I love reading your post. Thanks for sharing.