Hey there,

Happy new month everyone, I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the heatwave that followed. Today I’m back with a new post for you and it’s a joyful one this time. Who doesn’t want to feel happy all the time? I know life happens and it might seem impossible to just be happy one time and stay that way all day but it is possible and you can do it. You’ve heard about the “I’ll be happy when” syndrome, so long as you keep on waiting for something to happen or something to arrive for you to be happy, that’s when you mess things up. You have to be happy first and feel good in order for it to come, the best part is it’s really not that difficult, here are a few ways on how to feel happier now.



Gratitude is a really great way to get things started and get you into that happy feeling. It doesn’t have to be something huge but something like just waking up and feeling gratitude for things around you both small and big be it your life, family, health, the environment. If you’re not very keen on that then a gratitude list does great too, take a notebook and write down what your grateful for everyday, it can be in the morning or before you go to bed and really feel it. Also remember that not everyone got to see that day or are able to do what you are doing, just be grateful.



Another way to feel happier now is being present, this may sound easy but its harder than you think. Our minds wander all the time and have so many thoughts that we tend to forget to just be present in the now. Have you ever been walking and all of a sudden someone calls you on the other side of the road yet you never noticed them? Well if you were present, you would see that. Practice being in the now as much as possible and just relish in those moments, try and avoid mind chatter and overthinking and you will feel happier.



Now this can be anything, reading, sing a song, listen to music, laugh, whatever it is you love doing make sure to at least do it everyday. If you can be able to have something that raises your spirits in an instant and just gives you that great feeling, then by all means make it be an everyday thing. It will not only make you feel happier but you are more present when you’re doing something you love and it’s all about the feeling of it too, it has to make you feel good.




This does take an effort even in my part, letting go is easier said than done but is the best thing you can ever do to feel happier. If there is anything you feel difficult to put behind you or is impossible to forget, then that’s what is blocking your happiness. All you have to do is let go it’s in the past now, it happened and there’s nothing you can do about it, so move forward and stop thinking about it which is also tricky, if your trying not to think about what you’re not supposed to think about so go back to the point above and do something you love, that will take your mind off it.



Another way to feel happier now is to think before reacting and that’s where being present does play a big role. Humans tend to react immediately and it can be good or bad but usually ends up being bad at times. So before you say anything bad or something you will regret later, just calm down and think about it, what is making you react that way and is there something different you can do to change it without lashing out. I have kids and they don’t make this easier at all so I tend to use fruit names or a song to stop me from reacting, sounds funny but works. I also leave the room which is much better because you get out of the situation as fast as possible.



Meditation is not only for yogis or monks you know and it doesn’t need to take an hour. Just taking 10 to 20 minutes everyday to still your mind and just relax really does help. If you’re not into meditation then just have a time out and calm your mind, go out for a walk and enjoy the environment and if you are able to do that everyday then you will notice that your mood is more lighter and joyful making you feel happier. Also doing this everyday ends up creating a habit in your mind which will definitely pay off at the end. So meditate, go smell flowers, calm your mind chatter and you will feel happier now.


There you go, start feeling happier now, after all you have nothing to lose so just go ahead and try it and tell me how it goes in the comments below. Give it a week or two and I bet you it will definitely show you how negativity creeps in so fast but just the feeling of happiness can make all that go away. I hope you did enjoy this post as I was very happy writing it. If you missed my previous post do check it out here and until next time see yah. Tell me, what makes you feel happier when you’re in a rut?


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  1. Yup, having a time out is so important. Plus I always try to be grateful for what I DO have.

  2. That’s so true that we sometimes keep repeating I’ll be happy when … but when exactly? I hope your tips will help me a little bit to be more satisfied with my life. đŸ™‚

  3. These are all wonderful tips for being happier. I consider myself a very happy person but I try to incorporate these practices into my life. When I am down I like to sit down and write a list of things I am grateful for. I am not the best at meditating regularly but I find it soo helpful when I am feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

  4. I love your tips! I am trying to practice Letting Go in a more focused way. I need to be able to relieve stress and let go of details to focus on the bigger picture!

  5. People ask us what we want in life or what we do for a living but only few ask if we’re happy. I agree with all these specially the ‘do something you love’. For me, traveling has help me overcome most of my struggles and helped me become who I am now. And that truly makes me happy. <3

    1. These are great tips and such a good reminder to stay positive…
      Right now, i really need to find ways to slow down…Life has gotten so busy! I don’t remember the last time i did something i love just because i love it.
      I walk to and from work every day, and that has made a positive impact on my happiness because it’s easier for me to be in the moment then, though!
      Definitely can’t deny the weirdly wonderful impact of being present!

      1. Thank you so much, life happens and with that come difficulties but its possible to just find the good in the present and try and make it last longer each and every time. Let’s be happy and just know that you got this no matter what.

  6. Being happy is so much easier on our brains. It can be tough some days, but we have to stay positive!

  7. This is definitely a post I needed. I’ve just sat my exams and my mental health really affected them, but now my exams are done, I still feel down because I never got to give them my all. I really need to just enjoy the summer and live in the moment because thinking about results day isn’t going to change my results!
    Aleeha xXx

  8. I really love this list! I agree we will all be happier if we think before we react! That’s so important! Also living in the moment and being present is also very important

  9. I enjoy practicing mindfulness. Even just a few minutes slowing down, closing my eyes and doing some deep breathing helps to reduce stress levels. It increases my awareness and keeps me present,

  10. This is an interesting list. I have to say Letting Go is one practice I could spend more time focusing on.